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{{Alan R Ackerman}} - Investing Under Fire

Book Description

in investing under fire thirty of America's top money managers, market strategists, and political, academic, and business experts provide lessons on how to interpret and navigate through these tumultuous times.

About the Author

Editor Alan R.ckerman was well-regarded as an expert on foreign affairs and international strategies. He served as global market strategist at Fahnestock & Co. Inc. Mr. Ackerman was a regular guest on television and radio programs and was quoted frequently in the financial press. He passed away on July 9th, 2003. Contributors include: Harvard University’s Graham Allison on the nuclear threat, Awad Asset Management’s chairman James Awad on small-cap stocks, Vanguard Group founder John Bogle on the mutual fund industry, American Express Financial Advisors’ Craig Brimhall on wealth strategies, Value Line Publishing’s Jean Bernhard Buttner on equity research, General Wesley Clark on geopolitics and war. economist Tony Crescenzi on the bond market, Van Eck Funds founder John van Eck on gold, Brandywine Fund’s founder Foster Friess on stock research methodology, Devon Energy president James Hackett on oil, Goldman Sachs International’s Robert Hormats on Asian markets, Lightspan CEO John Kernan on immigration and education, Washington Mutual’s CEO Kerry Killinger on retail banking, Standard & Poor’s Hendrik Kranenburg and Sam Stovall on equity research, Kroll Associates’ CEO Jules Kroll on state-of-the-art security measures, Fordham University’s Vladimir Kvint on emerging markets investments, securities lawyers Lewis Lowenfels and John Tortorella on the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Johns Hopkins University’s Michael Mandelbaum on peace, democracy, and free markets, Needham & Co.’s Mark Monane on biotechnology, money manager Louis Navellier on inefficiencies in the market, Oakmark Funds’ Bill Nygren on the search for value, The Conference Board’s Randall Poe on business research, Morningstar’s Brian Portnoy on mutual fund investing, State Street Global Advisors’ Ned Riley on contrarian thinking, Ambassador Dennis Ross on the Middle East, Schaeffer’s Investment Research market maven Bernie Schaeffer on technical and sentiment analysis, Starbucks! CEO Orin Smith on sustainability and social responsibility, Toyota Motor North America CEO Toshiaki Taguchi on fuel cells, founder James Turk on gold payment systems

From Publishers Weekly

Global market strategist and pundit Ackerman aims to create a portrait of the current environment for professional and individual investors in this collection of 29 essays. But like the times, the book is often confusing and contradictory. Ackerman organizes the pieces into thematic sections, examining the stock market in general, niche investments (e.g., gold, oil, bonds, and biotech), research and analysis tools, successful corporate models, and the unsettled geopolitical outlook. The contributors in the first three sections are impressive, but the quality of the essays varies. Vanguard Group's John Bogle offers one of the best with his summary of 50 years in the mutual fund industry. Has it been good for investors? "The answer is a resounding no," he writes. Morningstar's Brian Portnoy presents a cogent analysis of mutual fund fees. His conclusion: "When you pay more, the odds are that you will get less." Less usefully, Value Line's Jean Bernhard Buttner offers only a recitation of her company's services, and most of the niche investment advisers are unconvincing as they pump their own specialties. The section on successful corporate models features essays written by leaders at Toyota, Starbucks, Washington Mutual, and Lightspan who plug their own companies. The real eye-openers are in the book's final section. Events have already outrun several of these essays, but Jules Kroll's description of the still-gaping holes in our security and Harvard professor Graham Allison's warning that terrorists will soon have nuclear weapons should be enough to give even bullish investors pause. Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc.

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