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Tai Lopez – The Accelerator Money Program


The Accelerator Program Application:

This application will get you a one-on-one call with one of our top consultants who work with some of Tai's most successful clients. This call will help them better understand what your goals are and what you want to learn. Our top consultants will assess your situation and needs, and figure out which program fits you best. There is no risk involved. You have a 60 day money back guarantee. At the very least, you will receive a free consultation.

Exclusive Access To The Vault:

Members of the Accelerator Program get access to Tai's Advanced Business Live Calls, which includes over 50 hours of content ranging from how to get investors to which profit maximization model is right for you. Tai charges up to $10,000 an hour or $1,000,000 a year for his consulting services.

Private Interaction and Twice a Month Live Calls

These Advanced Business Calls give members the chance to interact with Tai in an intimate group setting not found anywhere else. Members are able to ask Tai any questions they may have, and because it is a smaller and more exclusive group, he is able to get through most of the questions. Tai also covers the best business books on the market and goes in depth on higher-level concepts.

Annual Pass To Tai Lopez Events

It's important to do all the online home study courses in the Accelerator, but it's also neccessary to mix in some in-person training too. Tai hosts several events a year, where he brings in some of his mentors and even some of the top entrepreneurs to train on the most cutting edge subjects. Every event has sold out, with some selling out several weeks in advanced.

The great thing is that when your purchase the Accelerator, you will be given an Annual Pass which grants you access to attend as many events of your choosing throughout the year for free. This is the perfect place to network with hundreds of other like-minded entrepreneurs and it's private enough for you to have your questions answered by Tai and his mentors. Ticket prices can reach up to several hundred dollars each, so you can save up to a couple thousand dollars, if you ended up attending every event!


Money Program:

- Three Bucket Money Mastery
- Investing In The Stock Market
- How To Own Multiple Properties
- How To Properly Leverage Your Insurance
- How To Find The Right Business Mentors
- Best Businesses To Make A Million Dollars
- The Secrets To Stocks And Bonds
- Asset Diversification
- Time Value Of Money Concepts
- Planning For Your Retirement
and more...

Entrepreneur Program:

- Raising Capital
- The Foundation Of A Social Media Strategy
- Stacking The Trends
- Profit Maximization Strategies
- How To Use Email Marketing
- How To Write A Business Plan
- How To Scale Your Business
- How To Generate Leads
- Identifying Target Markets
- Front Loaded Business Models
and more...

Persuasion Program:

- The P.A.S.E. System: Understanding Personality Types
- Closing The Sale
- The Psychology Of Attracting Investors
- How To Overcome Objections When Closing
- Advanced Copywriting And Neuro-Marketing
- Advanced Negotiating
- Advanced Networking: How To Sell Yourself
- The Advanced Investor Pitch
- Sales Mastery
and more...

Preferred Social Media Access

You will be granted access to a private Facebook group. It's an extremely exlusive group where only members of the Accelerator Program have access. Not only can you network with other people in the program, you can find people's opinions on your ideas!

Tai realizeds that having calls twice-a-month is good, but would you want a personal trainer only helping you work out twice a month? Along with your private facebook group you will have access to Tai's private Periscope & Meerkat calls up to 3 times a week. These calls are limited to only those in the Accelerator Program. So it's intimate enough for you to have the chance to interact with Tai and ask him questions.

Motivational Minute

It's not enough to know how to create assets, know how to create passive income, or know how to build a successful business; You have to know how to properly motivate yourself in order to take action with the new information. So many of us have all the potential in the world, but most of us never realize that potential, or worse, never act upon it. To counteract this, Tai will be releasing short one minute videos that will help give you that extra boost of motivation that you need.

Behind The Scenes

Imagine being able to see Steve Jobs build Apple, Bill Gates build Microsoft or Elon Musk building Tesla. Tai wanted to cut down the learning curve of current and future business owners, so by watching these videos, you will get an insider scoop on how he runs his companies. This is extremely crucial, especially if you currently have your own business, beause it is so rare to find a person willing to share their secrets on running a successful business while they are still in the trenches.

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