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SMB & – Intro To Probability Based Trading

How To Leverage Market Data To Assist Your Trading Decisions

Taught by SMB Trader

  • Improve your statistical edge by gaining a more complete understanding of probabilities in trading.
  • Take away specific ideas to help you increase your win rate and overall expectancy.
  • Learn how to track your progress the right way so you know the easiest achievable path to improvement.
  • Find the right market where your style of trading can shine.
  • Validate your trading ideas without trial and error.
  • Generate your own valid trading ideas without depending on alert services and crowded newsletters.
  • Learn how to use simple and free tools to quickly test decades of market data in a few minutes even if you've never typed a line of code in your life.
  • Understand the three major types of trade setups and "how, when, and where" they are best traded.
  • Create your own custom watch lists that reveal the best available opportunities and alert you so you don't miss them.

Who This Training Is For...

This training is applicaple to traders in equities, futures, and/or options. You'll be able to apply the principles learned to any type of market on any time frame. 

This is for both professional and independent traders. Most of the tools we will discuss are free or typically already installed on your computer. The data you need is generally available or can be expanded for very little cost. 

Even if you don't have any prior programming or coding experience, you can begin applying this training to your trading in the first month. You'll learn how to get tremendous amounts of data with as little as one line of code that will be given to you.

Traders who are hard working and self motivated will benefit most from this training by putting in some time of independent study and homework between sessions. 

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