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Mariah Coz – High Ticket Hybrid

2 years ago I launched a high ticket program… 

I had created an amazing high-end program that my clients loved. I had really nailed the delivery, the offer, and my clients were thrilled with their results and the whole experience.  

Now I just needed more people to enroll!  

I was told by all of my peers and mentors: "You need to do sales calls to sell a program at this level. That's just how it works."

There was only one problem...I was freaking miserable every single time I had a sales call. 

Leading up to scheduled sales calls, I'd daydream about cancelling from my anxiety around them.

I dreaded the thought of wasting an entire hour (or more) on a call that I was just hoping would end positively.

My confidence had taken a huge hit. Every "no" felt like a stab in the heart. I took it so personally. As an introvert, I was just exhausted and burnt out every day from the sales calls.

It was becoming a real problem and to make things "worse" we had applications piling up and coming in faster than we could possibly do hour-long sales calls. We had a backlog of almost 80 applicants in our queue. We were backed up with weeks and weeks of calls even if I did them all day, every day.

Having "too many" applications would be an amazing problem to have, if only I could actually enroll these clients without doing it one by one!

That's when my breakdown became my breakthrough.

I was so frustrated and tired, so I did what I always do when it feels like I'm about to break:

I thought, "There must be a better way. I will not do another sales call ever. I'm going to figure out a better way."

And I did. I figured it out. After all, I had successfully automated the sales of my online courses...why couldn't I do it for my high ticket program too?

Out of my place of frustration, I came up with a completely NEW way to sell a high ticket coaching program that I had never seen done before (and to this day, have not seen anyone else using a strategy like this).

It completely turns the entire "high ticket" industry on its head.

2 weeks later after my a-ha moment, we bulk enrolled 30 clients into our $10k+ program all within a 3-day period.

Zero sales calls, no live events, and no fancy tech. The whole process took about a week to prep and 3 days to execute.

Then we put it on evergreen just as an experiment, and were honestly shocked at how well it worked.

Now, I am able to enroll 10-30 clients per month, with a conversion rate higher than most sales people doing calls, with an automated, evergreen high ticket funnel that completely eliminates the need for long, exhausting phone sales.

For the first time, I'm sharing my game-changing strategies for running and selling high ticket group coaching programs without sales calls, and without spending all your time in delivery.

  • Creating a hybrid-style group coaching program that serves your best clients at the highest level...
  • Adding a new revenue stream where one client is worth 10-20 normal course sales...and is just as easy of a no-brainer to sell.
  • Doubling your course business without needing twice as many leads by adding a high-touch, high ticket group coaching offer that builds on the courses you’ve already created.  
  • Seeing your clients actually show up and get the results they desire, because your program is designed to create the environment for them to thrive in and they are massively committed.  
  • Enrolling up to 5, 10, even 20 clients a month (at a $5k-$15k price point each) using the power of systems and automation, without ever wasting an hour on a 1:1 sales call.
  • Eliminating “bad-fit” clients easily and quickly with a superior process that allows you to only enroll the best clients without ever having to talk to them on the phone.
  • Finally feeling like your work is creating the deepest impact for your best clients, and having real connection to the results you help co-create with your clients. 

What would it mean to you to stop doing sales calls for your high ticket offers?

Imagine being able to enroll people into your program effortlessly with a few minutes of high touch connection with them, but no need to ever get on an hour sales call again?

Imagine eliminating the need to hire an expensive, commissions based sales team eating into your profit, and instead invest in a trained and trusted coaching team to wow your clients.

Get High Ticket Hybrid or the other courses from the same one of these categories: , , , , , , , for free on Cloud Download.

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