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Why Are So Many Writers Struggling To Succeed At Freelancing?
And what if you could…

Learn how to write truly exceptional copy that drives REAL SALES, excites clients, and puts money in your pocket?
Learn how to land new clients ON DEMAND while building a stream of high quality leads that come directly to you?
Learn how to run your freelance writing business like a TRUE PRO and become a sought-after authority in your niche?

There are a TON of freelance and copywriting courses out there. There’s a virtually endless collection of blog posts, podcasts, ebooks, white papers, memberships, masterminds, webinars, workshops, and every conceivable form of training.

So why are so many writers still struggling to succeed?

  • Over the last few years, this question has weighed heavily on my mind, and I’ve talked with hundreds of writers, trying to identify what has helped them the most and what seems to be left out in the wide array of available training.
  • It’s what I looked for as I tried 1-to-1 mentorship, group mentorship, short form training, a general membership group, and even direct training through employment.
  • And it’s what I looked for as I reviewed my own journey to six-figures, as well as the journeys of my friends who had hit that milestone as well.

I discovered a few things.

Most copywriting courses and training programs are strictly conceptual rather than practical and instructional.

You know what I’m talking about.

“Tell a story”
“Give your audience what they want”
“Do more research”
“Develop a marketing plan”
How? How do I develop a marketing plan?

“Well… guest post and pitch and stuff”

Okay… but how?

“Well you can also comment on blog posts and social media posts and [insert 20 more time-consuming tips that won’t move the needle on your business]”

Which leads us to the next problem I discovered.

Most copywriting courses and training programs are designed to be comprehensive rather than targeted and efficient.

Frankly, I’m being nice here. What it’s really designed to do is provide such a high volume of low-value tips that you are tricked into feeling like a lot of value has been provided to you.

And this is really harmful to new writers.

For example, saying, “Start a blog” might seem like an innocent, helpful piece of advice. After all, having a blog CAN be very beneficial to writers.

But here’s what happens when a new writer sees “start a blog”. They stop working on stuff that is actually going to earn them money today, and they start wasting tons of time going down the rabbit hole of figuring out how to blog.

It’s counterproductive, and that is the biggest problem with most writer training today. It’s not targeted or efficient. It’s not designed to help you get from $0 to $2,000 per month as quickly as possible and then $2,000 per month to $4,000 per month, and so on…

It’s designed to list out every possible piece of advice the author has ever heard, discovered, or created.

And that style of training is hopelessly counterproductive.

But it gets worse…

Most copywriting courses and training programs are overly focused on one area while barely addressing other critical areas.

This is why calling it “comprehensive” was being nice. Because in reality, I have not come across a single copywriting course that was truly comprehensive.

Instead, numerous courses do an amazing, comprehensive job in one area while completely neglecting other critical areas needed to succeed as a freelance copywriter.

Most commonly, courses do a great job of teaching you how to write good copy… but that’s it. Just yesterday, someone sent me a link to a course with 8 modules. 7 of those modules covered writing styles. 1 module dealt with building a business.

You can be the best copywriter in the world, and that’s not going to make you six-figures. If you can’t get clients, you won’t make any money, and the process and skillset involved in landing clients is completely different from writing great copy. Same goes for running a freelance business.

There are non-writing courses out there that do a great job of teaching you how to get clients, but they aren’t designed specifically for writers, because it’s too small of a niche to focus on when teaching lead generation.

So that’s where we’re at.

After years of seeing writers struggle and having nothing to offer them that solves all these problems at once, I’ve decided it’s time to solve them myself.

The Internet’s Best Copywriting Course

Get my proven, step-by-step system for building a freelance copywriting business from scratch and growing it to $100k in the next 12 months.

Learn How To Write Copy That Sells
Learn how to write exceptional copy that drives sales, excites clients, and puts money in your pocket.

Learn How To Land High-Paying Clients
Learn how to land great clients immediately AND build a stream of high-quality, high-paying clients that come straight to you.

Learn How To Freelance Like A Pro
Learn how to launch your business, run it like a professional, and become a recognized authority in your niche.

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