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Rank Daddy Academy Includes:

Section A: Core Infrastructure

When building a website, there are a couple things Google sees as important, when determining what your site will rank for. Don’t leave this to chance.

If your core infrastructure is done incorrectly, or not at all, you could be missing out on a lot of traffic, and customers.

In Section A You will know exactly what to tell Google what you want to rank for with video tutorials for multiple platforms like Weebly and WordPress.

Section B: Crafting A Buzz For Business

Media attention is the fastest way for Google to notice your site. Imagine if, over the period of 7-10 days, 500 trusted media websites were referring people to your site and seeing your offer.

Section B teaches you that. TV station websites, radio station websites, newspaper websites and more, each publish a professionally written article containing a link to your site.

Section C: Creating Digital Business Cards

Traditionally a business card was a quick and easy way to get a business’s Name, Address, and Phone number.

Today nobody is using business cards, instead they are creating DIGITAL cards allow for Google to connect businesses with traffic from customers looking for their services.

Unfortunately, many business owners have NO IDEA how critical it is to have a digital business card.

In Section C we turn you into a super hero who saves the day for all your clients by showing you step by step how to create digital business cards for your clients and get them ranked in HOT spots like Google Maps.

Section D: Flower Power Mario

Wanna know how to BLOW AWAY your competitors?

Supercharge your website with Powerlinks which help to glue your website to front page of Google and leave it there.

In Section D you will learn the exact strategy Rank Daddy has used to repeatedly dominate the competition in EVERY category imaginable.


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