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Collection – Shortstocking, Timfundamentals, Pennystocking, Read SEC Filings, Tim Raw, Timtactics

Following the success of the original PennyStocking DVD–testimonials galore, 7 DVD students in the top 20 on Covestor, only 3 DVD returns total, the strategy up over 130% in 2008 just as everyone else is dying, etc., I decided to get more detailed in my explanations/teachings so behold these 3 new DVDs

PennyStocking Part Deux: The follow-up to the original PennyStocking DVD–this 6 hour guide and 220-page instructional manual doesn’t just focus on my past nor this gutter of a niche’s basics, it details intraday chart patterns (what to look for, avoid) new industry regulations (on short selling & penny stock rules) and nearly 100 good and bad penny stock trade setups over the past 2 years. Anybody who bought the first DVD should have this second one as it’s not only more technical and updated, these patterns are now happening so fast, intraday pattern understanding crucial to higher trading profits.

ShortStocking: Not just about short selling penny stocks, this 6-hour guide and 220-page instructional manual teaches you everything you need to know about short selling stocks, whether the stock price is $1, $10, or $100. Obviously, I believe lower priced stocks to be more predictable, but that won’t let me stop you from learning about all the risks and rewards of this greatly misunderstood strategy. This DVD package covers the basics, the rewards, the risks, changing industry regulations, chart patterns–literally, there isn’t another guide out there that covers this strategy so in depth. Remember, this is coming from a guy who made his second million entirely through short selling and was the #1 ranked short bias hedge fund manager 2003-2006. I’m even gonna send a copy to the SEC–charging them double and enclosing a stinky surprise–so they can learn exactly what short selling is and is not.

TIMraw: This is a 12-hour instructional DVD set that represents the next generation of trading teachings as it takes you behind the scenes into the life of a successful trader so you can see what sacrifices must be made, my exact trading routine, how I find stocks to trade, the websites I use, books I read, key rules I trade and by, the chart patterns, me answering good questions, me answering dumb questions, how to spend trading profits, etc. Forget just powerpoint presentations, this special DVD includes all the stuff you wanted to know about how to profit from penny stocks, but were too afraid to ever ask.

An American Hedge fund: Read how completely transformed his 12,000 Dollar Account into over a million dollars and used that track record to become one of the biggest winning Hedge Funds on the street.

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