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Premium Package

Used widely at top investment banks and financial institutions, the Premium Package has everything you need to master financial and valuation modeling. Learn financial statement modeling, DCF, Trading and Transaction Comps, M&A and LBO.

Course Objective

By the end, you will have mastered financial and valuation modeling and developed the core investment banking skill set that will give you a competitive edge in interviews and on the job.

The Premium Package is designed for students and professionals pursuing careers in investment banking, private equity, corporate finance and equity research. You will follow along with the instructor step by step and build real financial models in Excel from scratch using actual case studies, current methodologies and best practices. It will give you an in-depth understanding of financial statement modeling, DCF, Comps, M&A and LBO modeling. This program pulls no punches — it is the exact same comprehensive training program top investment banks and financial institutions use to prepare analysts and associates for the desk. By the end, you will have mastered financial and valuation modeling and developed the core investment banking skill set that will give you a competitive edge in interviews and on the job.

Financial Statement Modeling

Financial Statement Modeling is the foundation of all subsequent valuation modeling modules. Trainees learn how to build full, dynamic financial statement projection models in Excel from scratch, using real case studies, industry best practices, and sensitivity analyses. Simple, intuitive, step-by-step instructions reinforce theoretical intuition while teaching the mechanics of the model building process

DCF Modeling

Build a complete, working discounted cash flow (DCF) model in Excel from scratch, using a real case study, industry best practices, and sensitivity analyses. DCF analysis is both academically respected and widely used on as a primary method of valuation. Many finance interview questions specifically test a candidate’s understanding of both the academics and mechanics behind the DCF.

Accretion Dilution (M&A) Modeling

How do professionals at investment banks, private equity firms and other financial institutions analyze the impact of mergers & acquisitions? In this course, you’ll learn how to build a real M&A (accretion/dilution) model in Excel from scratch. In addition, you will build a contribution, synergy and exchange ratio analysis, and learn key M&A accounting concepts.

LBO Modeling

LBO models are used widely by investment banks and private equity firms to assess investor returns as well as to value a business in the event of a buyout. You will build a real leveraged buyout (LBO) model from scratch, using real case studies, industry best practices, and sensitivity analyses.

Trading Comps Modeling

“Comps” analysis is the quickest, most widely used valuation methodology, and fundamental part of the core valuation skill set of investment bankers and finance professionals. In this course, trainees learn how to select and “scrub” comparables, pick the right multiples and build dynamic comps models in Excel from scratch, using real case studies, industry best practices, and sensitivity analyses.

Transaction Comps Modeling

Transaction comps (aka deal or transaction comps) is a variant of comparables valuation. Value of the firm is derived by assessing the value of comparable companies recently acquired. In this step-by-step, real case study course, you’ll learn how to select comparable acquisitions, find important disclosures in filings, spread the data and build a complete transaction comps model in Excel.

Premium Package Highlights

Intuitive, Self-Paced and Comprehensive

's Premium Package is intuitive and self-paced. You should expect to spend approximately 70-90 hours to complete it. Using a combination of videos, Excel model templates and financial reports, this course teaches students and professionals how to build, analyze, and interpret financial models in a step-by-step fashion at their own pace. The program utilizes a case study format, as students follow their tutorial guide alongside the Excel model templates, and are directed to the appropriate external documents (SEC filings, research reports, etc.) in order to build comprehensive models the way they would on the job.

Real World "On the Job" Investment Banking Training

The Premium Package bridges the gap between academics and the real world to equip students with the practical financial skill set that they will need on the job. Our program will give you the confidence you need to ace your interviews and to get ahead in your IB career.

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