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– Momentum Crash Course Pro

Join Danielle while she takes you through these historical market times as she reveals how the trading rules you’ve always know have completely changed (and why they had to). She will show you how she takes advantage of our new trading reality during the coronavirus crash of 2020. The market is comprised of frequent overnight gaps, intraday volatility and momentum moves, especially on an intraday basis. During these unprecedented markets, she will teach you how she consistently turns a profit within minutes. She will teach you her favorite times of day in the stock market to identify huge opportunities because the big movements the market (open and close), and how to nail these critical times like a pro. These strategies can be easily applied to both options and futures trading because it is about learning the momentum and feel, along with the high probability patterns in the markets.

What Will You Learn?

About Danielle

Danielle Shay is the Director of Options at . She is a strict technical analyst, with a strong emphasis in Fibonacci Analysis. Her primary focus is on trend-following, directional strategies via options trading, though she covers stocks and ETFs as well. Danielle was also a contributor in John Carter’s 3rd Edition of Mastering the Trade, and has been seen on Real Vision TV, RT America, and Benzinga. You can find her daily in our trading room, sharing her analysis and trade ideas with our members.

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