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"behavioral finance"
Showing 1-20 of 20 items.

Michael M. Pompian – Behavioral Finance & Wealth Management

Michael M. Pompian - Behavioral Finance & Wealth Management The book that applies behavioral finance to the real world Understanding how to use behavioral finance theory in investing is a hot topic these days. Nobel laureate...

Woody Dorsey – Behavioral Trading

Woody Dorsey – Behavioral TradingHave you ever wondered to what extent investor confidence and expectations impact stock market prices? In Behavioral Trading, stock market contrarian, Woody Dorsey, gives readers for the first time insight into his...

Phillip Jenks – The Global Investor Book Of Investing Rules Advice From 150 Market Masters

Phillip Jenks - The Global Investor Book of Investing Rules. Advice from 150 Market Masters For the first time, the tactics, strategies, and insights relied on by 150 of the world's most respected financial experts are...

Mark Schindler – Rumors in Financial Markets

Mark Schindler – Rumors in Financial MarketsOn the trading floor, all action is based on news, therefore rumors in financial markets are an everyday phenomenon. Rumors are the oldest mass medium in the world and their...

Technical Analysis University – Advanced Technical Analysis University CMT Topics 7 DVD

Technical Analysis University – Advanced Technical Analysis University CMT Topics 7 DVD CMT Level I 2021: An Introduction to Technical Analysis is the ultimate study text that fully prepares you to demonstrate basic competencies of an...

Market Technician Association – Advanced CMT Series Topics 2 DVD

Market Technician Association – Advanced CMT Series Topics 2 DVD CMT Level III 2021: The Integration of Technical Analysis prepares you to use critical analysis skills, foundational knowledge from Level I, and applications from Level II...

Eric Jones – Markets in Profile (Profiting from the auction process)

James F. Dalton & Robert Bevan Dalton & Eric T. Jones – Markets in Profile (Profiting from the auction process) Markets in Profile explores the confluence of three disparate philosophical frameworks: the Market Profile, behavioral finance,...

Dean LeBaron – Treasury Of Investment Wisdom

Dean LeBaron - Treasury of Investment WisdomDescriptionDean LeBaron's Treasury of Investment WisdomToday, investors are faced with an information overload when it comes to investment opportunities. It's hard to find straight answers on which investment vehicles are...

Michael Covel – Broke. The New American Dream

Michael Covel - Broke. The New American Dream"Shocking expose...not a partisan film." The Huffington Post" beautiful imagistic fashion." Big HollywoodDescription: Michael Covel traveled 75,000 miles across 3 continents to learn how great traders think and act. Face-to-face...

Mark Douglas – Trading in the Zone (audiobook+pdf)

Mark Douglas – Trading in the Zone (audiobook+pdf) From Publishers Weekly Douglas, president of the seminar firm Trading Behavior Dynamics, focuses on the psychology of successful traders. Instead of offering specific strategies, he advises readers, "The...

Burton G Malkiel – A Random Walk Down Wallstreet

Burton G Malkiel – A Random Walk Down Wallstreet Updated with a new chapter that draws on behavioral finance, the field that studies the psychology of investment decisions, here is the best-selling, authoritative, and gimmick-free guide...

Andrewmenaker – Advanced Course

Andrewmenaker – Advanced Course This self-paced course goes way beyond the usual trading psychology advice and gives you the concepts and the actionable techniques that Dr. Andrew Menaker has taught traders within large banks and institutions,...

Tim Short – The Psychology of Successful Trading Behavioural Strategies for Profitability

Tim Short – The Psychology of Successful Trading Behavioural Strategies for Profitability This book is the first to demonstrate the practical implications of an important, yet under-considered area of psychology in helping traders and investors understand...

Elliott Wave Theorist – Monthly Newsletter 99-01

Elliott Wave Theorist - Monthly Newsletter 99-01The Elliott Wave Theorist is a monthly newsletter published by Elliott Wave International. The first issue of the Theorist published in April 1976 and has been continuously in print on a subscription basis...

Mark Douglas – The Disciplined Trader

Mark Douglas - The Disciplined TraderOne of the first books to address the psychological nature of how successful traders think ~ The Disciplined Trader™ is now an industry classic. In this groundbreaking work published in 1990 ~...

Joseph Benning – Trading Strategies for Capital Markets

In order to succeed in the capital markets, professional traders and investors must understand that markets aren’t mathematical abstractions, but dynamic, real-time reflectors of the world we live in. You need to know how the capital...

Hank Pruden – The 3 Skills of Top Trading

Hank Pruden – Praise for The Three Skills of Top Trading “Professor Pruden’s new book, The Three Skills of Top Trading, is unquestionably the best book on a specific trading method and the necessary attributes for...

FRM – The Professional Risk Managers' Handbook By PRIMA

FRM - The Professional Risk Managers' Handbook by PRIMAThe Global Association of Risk Professionals and the Professional Risk Managers' International Association—a group created by former GARP volunteer officials—are two trade associations to offer certification exams.The tests,...

Ben Stein – The Litle Book of Bulletproof Investing Review Investing do's and don'ts from some of the most recognizable voices in personal finance It's been a tough year for investors. Many have seen their retirement accounts dwindle dramatically and are looking for a...

Charles D. Kirkpatrick – Techical Analysis

Charles D. Kirkpatrick – Techical Analysis Already the field’s most comprehensive, reliable, and objective guidebook, Technical Analysis: The Complete Resource for Financial Market Technicians, Second Edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect the field’s latest advances. Selected by...