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"French Trader"
Showing 1-8 of 8 items.

French Trader – Master The Markets 2.0

French Trader – Master The Markets 2.0 BECOME A WINNING FOREX TRADER JOIN THE TOP 5% OF WINNING TRADERS The high-end offer to finally become a winning trader! Following these virtual classes, you will have all...

Thami Kabbaj – Psychologie des Grand Traders (French)

Thami Kabbaj – Psychologie des Grand Traders (French) Bas sur un travail de synth se des meilleurs ouvrages de psychologie et des travaux de recherche les plus r cents en mati re de finance comportementale, ce livre met en...

Mark Douglas – The Disciplined Trader

Mark Douglas - The Disciplined TraderOne of the first books to address the psychological nature of how successful traders think ~ The Disciplined Trader™ is now an industry classic. In this groundbreaking work published in 1990 ~...

Alpesh Patel – Diary of an Internet Trader

Alpesh Patel – Diary of an Internet TraderSize: 2.2 MB The number of online trading accounts in Europe alone is expected to grow from 4.4 million at the end of 2000 to a staggering 16.8 million by...

Portfolio Investing – Get Steady And Consistent Returns With Low Drawdowns, Spending Just 20 Mins Per Month

Portfolio Investing – Get Steady And Consistent Returns With Low Drawdowns, Spending Just 20 Mins Per Month by Ron Bertino & Trading Dominion Do you need steady returns with low drawdowns? Sure. Doesn't everybody? The problem is...

Dave Landry – 10 Best Swing Trading Patterns Strategies

Dave Landry - 10 Best Swing Trading Patterns Strategies In 2001, Dave Landry introduced the #1 book on swing trading, Dave Landry on Swing Trading. That book is still the best swing trading tutorial there is....

Alpesh Patel – The Internet Trading Course

Alpesh Patel - The Internet Trading Course alpeshpatelIn 2001 59% of investors traded using the Internet, a massive growth since 2000 when the figure was only 17%. Internet trading is no longer the exclusive sport of...

ITPM – London Super Conference 2018

ITPM - London Super Conference 2018 (Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management)