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in AmiBroker

This course will focus on developing adaptive trading strategies using AmiBroker, leveraging the Custom Backtest (CBT) interface which was introduced in the CBT Intensive.

At the completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Define your own Market Regimes
  • Consider how trade setup, entry, and exit are assigned to a regime
  • Summarize metrics by regime
  • Modify your AFL to use adaptive (regime-specific) parameters
  • Compare the adaptive strategy performance to a baseline


  • AmiBroker version 6.0 or later installed. Version 6.20 or later is preferred.
  • Installed a data source and configured it to work with AmiBroker.
  • Have basic familiarity with AFL, including the ability to create and execute backtests and optimizations with AmiBroker’s standard back-test engine.
  • Understand how the CBT works, including the AmiBroker object model and creating custom metrics

Topic Summary

Session 1

  1. Defining Market Regimes
  2. Market Regime Functions
  3. Regime Assignment
  4. Metrics

Session 2

  1. Out-of-Sample Testing
  2. In-Sample Optimization
  3. Evaluation in Excel
  4. AFL Updates

Session 3

  1. Out-of-Sample (OOS) Optimization
  2. Out-of-Sample (OOS) Adaptive Results
  3. Compare OOS Adaptive to OOS Static
  4. Compare OOS Adaptive to OOS Optimization
  5. Adaptive Parameter Refresh

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