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Linda believes strongly in the market’s tendency to exhibit patterns which enable traders to predict price direction (although not magnitude). She has found that prices tend to form a distinctive three-day swing trading pattern which consistently repeats itself in a tradable fashion.

Linda will discuss why this swing pattern occurs and how to recognize it when it does. She will describe both the market tendencies underlying the theories and the philosophy behind trading the swing pattern. She will then teach a sound method for trading this cyclic phenomenon, a method that will enhance your confidence to trade in any stock or futures market, on any day. Finally, Linda will illustrate how, using these swing patterns, you can develop mechanical systems that are applicable to market periods of varying length. Always popular, Linda’s presentation will give you a new perspective on price behavior and chart patterns.

has been a full-time professional trader for over 20 years. She began her trading career on the Pacific Coast Stock Exchange and later moved to the Philadelphia Stock Exchange. Linda was written up in Jack Schwager’s book, “The New Market Wizards” and in “Women of the Street” by Sue Herera. In 1995, she co-authored the best selling book “Street Smarts – High Probability Trading Strategies.” Linda continues to trade every day.

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