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John C. Hull – Options, Futures And Other Derivatives (5th Ed.)

For undergraduate and graduate courses in Options and Futures, Financial Engineering, and Risk Management, typically found in business, finance, economics, and mathematics departments. This fifth edition text represents how academia and real-world practice have come together with common respect and focus of theory and practice. It provides a unifying approach to the valuation of all derivatives. This popular course text is considered to be “the bible” by practitioners. The fifth edition has a total of seven new chapters.

From the Back Cover

JOHN C. HULL’SOptions, Futures, and Other Derivatives are unique in that it is both a best-selling college textbook and the “bible” in trading rooms throughout the world.

The Fifth Edition continues to offer the most current topics in the field with the addition of seven NEW chapters:

  • 4—” Hedging Strategies Using Futures,” a new chapter on the use of futures for hedging.
  • 20—” More on Models and Numerical Procedures.”
  • 25—” Swaps Revisited,” gives the reader insight into the range of nonstandard swap products.
  • 27—” Credit Derivatives,” explains how these products work and how they should be valued.
  • 28—” Real Options,” provides realistic examples showing how the real options approach can be used in capital investment appraisal.
  • 29—” Insurance, heather, and Energy Derivatives,” explains non-traditional derivatives and their role in risk management.
  • 30—” Derivatives, Mishaps, and What We Can Learn From Them.”


John C. Hull is a Professor of Derivatives and Risk Management at the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto.

He is a respected researcher in the academic field of quantitative finance (see for example the Hull-White model) and is the author of two books on financial derivatives that are widely used texts for market practitioners: “Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives” and “Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets”. He has also written “Risk Management and Financial Institutions” and “Machine Learning in Business: An Introduction to the World of Data Science”

John C. Hull studied Mathematics at Cambridge University (B.A. & M.A.), and holds an M.A. in Operational Research from Lancaster University and a Ph.D. in Finance from Cranfield University. In 1999, he was awarded the Financial Engineer of the Year Award, by the International Association of Financial Engineers. He has also won many teaching awards, such as the University of Toronto’s prestigious Northrop Frye award.

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