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Adam Bensman – The Copywriter’s 6-Figure Income Sprint

Are you ready to transform your freelance copywriting job into a sustainable, scalable, and wildly profitable 6-figure business in as fast as 60 days like Chris? 

Not only did this work for Chris, I discovered this model as I grew to $26,000 per month of income in less than 24 months... 

While having STRICT client boundaries, NOT working weekends, NOT working evenings, and vacationing multiple times per year...

AND delivered the best (record breaking) results for my clients.

I'm going to show you exactly how I did it.

Join me as I guide you step-by-step through an ultra-personal video-course experience to… 

  • STOP providing strategy and consulting for free
  • STOP being an order taker
  • ​STOP selling “words on a page”
  • STOP bidding projects
  • ​STOP the never-ending cycle of prospecting for the next client
  • ​STOP the feast-famine cycle (best month followed by worst)
  • ​STOP letting clients control your life and walk all over you

And most importantly… 

  • START getting paid (a lot) for strategy and consulting
  • START being an advisor to clients who respect you
  • ​START providing comprehensive strategy (first) and copywriting
  • START earning $36,000 - $72,000 per client (even small biz’s)
  • ​START developing deeper relationships with your clients
  • ​START earning consistent, predictable, reliable income every single month
  • ​START taking care of YOU, set boundaries, and build your business around your life

You’ll be guided through my easy-to-follow, 6-step process to learn the theory behind the pivots you’ll be making for your own businesses.

Then we’ll shift our focus to execution.

Each module has a “business assignment,” so you’ll experience wins damn-near every day you’re in there building your business.

It will all come together, one puzzle piece at a time.

You’re going to experience a massive transformation - both personally and professionally as you reposition and repackage your existing services into a high-ticket, retainer model business that will empower you to earn $8,000… $10,000... $15,000 or even $20,000 PER MONTH with only a handful of clients that you actually LOVE working with.

But it ain’t all about the money, honey.

This is about building your LIFE first.

Because burnout happens when you are trying to fit in everything  that’s truly important “when there’s time.” (This is the miserable cycle of “fitting my life in around my business” -- been there?)

What’s important for you to have more time for?


Adam Bensman is a direct response copywriter who has driven and contributed to over $100MM in sales.

Before "falling into" direct response copywriting, Adam cut his teeth in door-to-door sales, was the COO of an $8MM/year in-home sales company, and was a sales trainer and business consultant. 

Now Adam serves a "needs-based-niche" of clients who sell $2k - $15k products or services over the phone by crafting irresistible sales channels that rake in record profits. 

Adam also provides mentorship programs to help copywriters sprint to a 6-figure income and start earning $9,000 - $20,000 per month in as fast as 30 days using his retainer-based approach to landing long-term, high-paying clients.

For me, it’s time with my wife, our 2 dogs, friends, mountain biking, fitness, cooking, travel, and unplugging in nature. ← All things I didn’t have time for when I was non-stop prospecting and reacting to client demands…

Listen, The Copywriter’s 6-Figure Income Sprint is no-fluff, jam-packed with value, and has literally everything you need to implement this “turn key” business plan and create your new lifestyle business earning serious money in as fast as 60 days if you apply these steps as you learn.
But don’t take my word for it…

Before we get into details, it’s important to know who this course is NOT for.

  • It is NOT for you if you’re brand new or just getting started in copywriting.
  • It is NOT for you if you don’t like developing long-term relationships.
  • It is NOT for you if you’re addicted to the “churn and burn” chase of new clients.
  • It is NOT for you if you aren’t really good and really passionate about your work.
  • It is NOT for you if you enjoy “starting at zero” every month to chase the next new project and land the next sale.

BUT, this course is 100% for you if…

You LOVE the idea of transitioning from “order taker” who delivers words on a page to becoming a highly paid advisor who’s getting compensated for all the consulting and strategy you’ve been providing for free (or not charging enough). 

  • You LOVE developing long-term relationships.
  • You LOVE the idea of developing consistent, reliable income every month.
  • You LOVE the idea of life first - business second. 
  • You LOVE the idea of earning more with less (less clients and offering hyper-focused services).

And most importantly, if you identify as someone who is eager to continually develop (both personally and professionally) to the next level, this course is for you.

Because you’ll feel the “switch flip” as you become even more empowered and confident speaking with clients, acquiring clients, and honing your craft as you specialize in your sweet spot

Ready for a sneak peak to see what’s inside waiting for you? 

Get The Copywriter’s 6-Figure Income Sprint or the other courses from the same one of these categories: , , , , , , for free on Cloud Download.

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